Partnership with LEM Verify

When Erasmusu deems it necessary a user’s account may require additional verification. We do this to enhance trust in our marketplace. Therefore we have partnered with LEM Verify who are a leading identity verification technology company that will perform this additional validation.

You will be notified by email if you are required to go through this process. Please check your inbox for an email relating to LEM Verify verification from [email protected] in order to verify your identity and residency. You will be asked to enter your current home address, photograph/upload your ID document and be required to take part in an aliveness check with your smartphone or webcam to complete this process. In certain scenarios, you may also be prompted to upload a document confirming your home address such as a utility bill.

Please ensure you are connected to the internet before starting the process and your network is stable. LEM Verify’s solution is available in multiple languages which you can select when starting the verification process.

We strongly recommend that when taking a photo of your passport/ID card, you ensure that all four corners are in view, the document is clear/readable with no fingers obstructing the information and no shadowing or glare is present. Photocopies/scans/screenshots of the original documents will not be accepted.

For more information relating to LEM Verify, please visit their website and T&Cs: