You can search for properties by inputting your selected move in and move out dates.

We also include this information on each property listing - simply scroll to the bottom and look at the "Check availability" section to get more details for this house.

Dates in red indicate this property is not available.

Dates in green mean the property is available.

Dates in grey mean these dates have already passed.

At Erasmusu all of our properties are offered for mid to long term rentals with a minimum of 30 days.

In some cities, due to legal requirements, the minimum stay differs as follows:

Also, the landlords can set additional minimum and maximum stay rules too.

Some properties will have a “gap” rule which means the landlord will only accept bookings with a move-in within a certain date range. That is why even if it’s available when you select your dates in the calendar the system does not offer your move-in dates so far in advance.

Landlords will operate this way in order to avoid having the property empty for long periods between two bookings. Unfortunately, this is a non-negotiable policy. For this reason, you will only be able to book within the date range that has been set up by the landlord.

Our recommendation is to always search with the exact dates needed so you only get properties available for those periods.