In order to place a booking request for a property you just need to select the property/room and your move in/out dates, then press the “Request to book” button. If you are booking a room in a particular property, please make sure to select the room you are interested in.

You will be directed to a form with 3 simple steps, where you’ll need to fill in some information about yourself and your stay. Once you complete this, you will proceed to the last step which is to send your payment authorisation where you can use the following payment methods:

In order to begin your reservation process we will need your payment authorization. The first month rent (first week for London) and the booking fee (not for London or Amsterdam) will only be debited by Erasmusu if and when your booking is confirmed.

If you have a discount code or referral code you will need to click on the blue text “Do you have a discount or referral code?” to open the box to apply it.

We allow you to place several booking requests for the same dates and location. Once the first landlord accepts your requests, the rest of the requests will be automatically cancelled to avoid any duplicate charges or need to issue refunds.

We provide the landlord with 24 business hours to accept your request. We do our best to ask the landlord to respond in a timely manner however should there be a delay you are welcome to either wait or cancel your request and book another properly.

There is no penalty to cancel a request so long as the landlord has not yet accepted.

Should your request be rejected, our agents will do their best to find you a similar property.